Monday, February 9, 2009

Books I've read since 2009 Started....

Box Office Poison by Alex Robinson (finished it this a.m.)
Kalfka by R. Crumb and David Zane Mariowitz (thank you G. Maaaaaa!)
Final Exits by Michael Largo (when nothing else will do)
In Defense of Food by Michael Pollen (it was no Omnivore's Dillemma, the content would have been better delivered as a website, or a podcast)
Omnivore's Dillemma (Oddly, it made me want to go hunting, and also it deepened my love for the Chicken!)
Cancer Vixen (Really a page turner, which was wierd because reading a story about a self-obsessed New Yorker with breast cancer doesn't seem that great, but it was really great, dispite somewhat weak art)
Cancer Made Me a Shallower Person (good, not great. But it would be a good gift for someone with the cancer)
World War Z (F*ck Yeah! Total Page Turner! OMG! It's so great, I'm loaning it to one friend, and when he gives it back, I'm mailing it to buddies in China! Which also lead to a viewing of Dawn of the Dead, like when did Zombies start being able to run pell-mell? And the zombie birthing scene....arg!)
American Splendor Anthology (but, really, who doesn't read a little Pekar every month!?)

What's New Pussycat? (Peter Sellers and Woody Allen's first collaboration!)
Casino Royale (Peter Sellers and Woody Allen in this early JAMES BOND movie! Hilarious)

You might observe that there's not a whole lot of books about Sustainability on that brain needs a break. So, got any good books to recommend?

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